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Through those years of change and growth a number of ideals have remained constant.

  • We are saved by the grace of God alone -- not by anything we do;

  • Our salvation is through faith alone -- a confident trust in God, who in Christ promises us forgiveness, life and salvation; and

  • The Bible is the norm for faith and life -- the true standard by which teachings and doctrines are to be judged.


Over the years, different Lutheran church bodies have been established and organized to meet the needs of Lutherans in communities and nations all over the world. Edison Lutheran Church has followed through various mergers and expressions of Lutheranism to become part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – ELCA.

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​Believing that the Christian faith of our community is enriched, confirmed and demonstrated in our public worship, our congregation gathers each week with the following hope:


  • God will be glorified.

  • The Gospel will be proclaimed.

  • The love of Christ will be shared.

Sunday services with communion are held each week at 10:30am beginning in the fall.  The summer schedule varies, but usually begins the first weekend in June. Worship is a family event at Edison Lutheran.  Children are welcome and may share in a children’s lesson.

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