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Over 100 years ago, Scandinavian

immigrants to the Edison area founded

a special place of worship - Edison

Lutheran Church.  Today the

descendants of many of those founding

families continue to worship here along

with the many families who have moved

to the area and are looking for a

welcoming, nurturing, and caring faith


​The joy of watching all ages worshiping together and enjoying each other is a weekly experience at Edison Lutheran.  Whether members of the same multi-generational family or members of our extended Church community, we can all share in Christ's love and care for one another.

We are affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) which is a community of faith that shares a passion for positive changes in the world.  Our faith is built around a strong belief in God as made known to us in Jesus Christ.  Through worship, service, and education, we practice our faith, grow our relationship with God and experience God's grace in our lives.

Prayer is the place of admitting our needs and acknowledging our dependence upon God.  We regularly pray for the needs of our families, friends and community.



Edison Lutheran Church is a group of faithful people who gather regularly to worship God and to celebrate our oneness in Christ.  Members of our community come from various walks of life. Members include those who live in the immediate area and those who live in surrounding communities. People ranging in age from very young to very “mature” gather together weekly to hear the Good News that Jesus Christ died for us and is risen from the grave.  We gather around the table every week to celebrate Holy Communion.  Communion is offered to all who wish to receive God’s love and forgiveness and grace.  Whether you are new to the area or have lived here a long time or are just passing through the area, we invite you to worship with us.
Everyone is welcome here!
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