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July 12th Service

We welcome you to our online worship service today. Below, you will find videos and resources which follow the general shape of our normal Sunday mornings together. Below each video is the YouTube link, videos are also now public so you can search Edison Lutheran in YouTube. We have also created Playlists that have all the parts of each weeks services in them.


This weeks worship service is in one video.

Scripture Readings

(Clicking on the reading in grey will take you to the readings, all reading links go to the same place you may just have to scroll down)





Go in Peace. Christ is with you.

(( Sermon Reflection - click HERE for a work sheet that you can use to help reflect on the sermon. Also feel free to reflect on the sermon in the comment section. The comment section can help us stay connected through this time ))

Children's Time

And please comment below for any reflections or sharing of peace. If you have trouble leaving comments, please email the church. Please contact us to let us know what was good and helpful, and what could be improved.

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